Arnica Muscle Rub [1 oz salve]
![Image of Arnica Muscle Rub [1 oz salve]](https://assets.bigcartel.com/product_images/283579836/muscle+rub.jpg?auto=format&fit=max&w=1500)
Olive oil infused with arnica and chile flakes, this muscle rub is designed to help the ailing body with the feeling of fire and ice. Cooled with the essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender, the Arnica Muscle Rub will go deep in penetrating soreness. Apply to bruises, sprains and wounds. Arnica is known to be a great anti-inflammatory agent.
It is said, mountain goats sought out arnica (after tumbling) to sooth the bruising and ailing impacts of mountain climbing.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Please do not ingest any listed products if allergic to any of the ingredients. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, care, or prevent any diseases. Consult local physician before taking if you are or may be pregnant. Merchant is not responsible for any reverse or adverse action.