Blessed Railroad Spikes [Set of 4]
![Image of Blessed Railroad Spikes [Set of 4]](https://assets.bigcartel.com/product_images/237957605/fullsizeoutput_e26.jpeg?auto=format&fit=max&w=1500)
Each spike is carefully blessed over a 7 day period. These are not like any others you'll ever feel.
Railroad spikes are used for protection around the home. Nail one spike into the ground at the four-corners of the house. Each spike can also be placed in the four-cardinal directions, also (north, east, west, south). These spikes may also be placed upon the window sills (if spikes cannot be hammered into the ground).
Keep in mind, each spike can be electric to the touch. They can also be used to channel money, sex magick, or spirit magick.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All items sold as curio only--nothing is guaranteed. Please do not ingest any listed products. Merchant is not responsible for any reverse or adverse action.
Note: Because of the massive back up with USPS, orders could take up 10-21 days. This is out of our control.