
Beyond Mediums


Ground & Align Oil

Image of Ground & Align Oil

This one I intended for just myself. As it's hard to ground and align yourself sometimes, and I just wanted it to be easier for me during spiritual, mental or physical work/emotions.

This has 4 special ingredients, Tourmaline, Destiny Stone from Egypt, Whole root of Angelica, and the very last piece of my Lighting tree. It's been sitting buried in the ground for over 6 months now, and when I dug it up, it about knocked me down! I was like whoa! well, that's was unexpected ha!

It is designed to be worn on your feet, and heart chakra area, although it will protect you, it's main purpose it ground you fast & re-aligned your energy centers.

I've not poured it as of yet, and the labels are on the way!

I have a good amount, so I should have it in stock for a while, or until I make another batch.

Shipping time on this will start mid month, unless my labels get here sooner.