Thoth Candle

Absolutely one of my top favorites to work with!
He is the god of calling in Magick, Power, Mysticism, & Knowledge.
I think of him like a battery to enhance all my work as he will help find the source you need to tap to bring in that energy for all workings. He will frequent your dreams with symbols and knowledge.
He is great at calling your personal power back to you, creating new opportunities, and aligning you with your desires.
He plays well with other deities, except for Saints, as they are usually solo.
He is gentle, humble, and generous with dedication. He doesn't require much for offerings, but it's helpful to write out intentions with him and speak them to him daily.
I give him water, an apple and incense usually. His colors are blues, white and black.
Djehuty is his actual Egyptian Name, but over time Thoth (Toe-thh) was given due to him being recognized with the Greek god Hermes, Thoth is "the thrice great"...
I've worked with both of his names, and he responds well with Thoth.
I only started working with him in 2003, and the results I felt and saw with him were incredible.
He's good to have in your corner, and detailed instructions will come with him.