Very Special Coyote Spirit Satchel

Due to the nature of these, I can not share them on social media.
I usually only make these for clients through word of mouth, but, I came into a small amount where I can make a few extra.
What is it and what does it do?
These are real Coyote teeth, through special ritual techniques, they are powerhouses with the proper herbs for protection, causing confusion in your enemies and all harmful spirits that you may encounter. Another perk of these, they are cunning spirits and will blind any legal issues, I have one in my glovebox of my car to blind cops from seeing me, 80% of the time they are successful at that, every now and then one will get through, but it's rare.
IF you are heavy on left handed work, or work in an environment with a lot of negative energies or heavy energies, these will push it away from you and your space.
I always carry one on me, and have one in my car. I do not sleep near them because they confuse my visions in my dream state. You can place one above a front door as well to blind any darkness from entering your home.
DO NOT LET OTHERS TOUCH THESE if they are intended only for you, unless you are gifting one to someone.
Once you receive one, keep them in their little satchels, and speak over them what you want them to do for you. You can simply hold in your left hand and speak out loud, "Your job is to help me with..."
They will start working with you the moment you touch them. The more you carry them the more aligned they'll be with your daily habits etc.
Very few bones or teeth I'd ever work with, but Coyote is one of my favorites, these are ethically sourced and treated.